Serious Game Research & Development 功能遊戲研發

自2017研發香港首本運用3D虛擬AR手機APP培養孩子正向心理的親子互動手冊, AESIR功能遊戲深受中小學、有學習障礙、自閉症、專注力失調/過度活躍症兒童,家長及從事兒童工作的同工,如教師、心理學家、輔導員、社工和醫護人士歡迎 AESIR遊戲有以下特點

Since 2017, AESIR has published the First AR Playbook for Positive Psychology in Hong Kong S.A.R. , AESIR Serious Game been well received among Schools, children with learning difficulties, autism, ADHD, parents, teachers, counselors, social workers and medical practitioners. Our key offerings been featured with below

跨界專業 Cross Displine Professions

透過ARVR科技開發社企 AESIR.HK, 研究員,社會工作者及老師,提供專業的主題式教導• Reseachers, Social workers and teachers able collaborate in cross-discipline manner

寓學於玩,玩遊戲=學習 Gamify Learning and Training

我們希望深入淺出地以AR VR講解教育與訓練理論,以一連串實證為本的小練習,引導家長和孩子體驗更多的正面情緒,從而提升孩子對正面情緒的洞察力,長遠並能促進積極的行為和培養正面的價值觀 • With AR VR Visual Technology, we hope to visualize how to put theory into a number of evidence based practice games, so to support the children with diverse needs and their parents develop positive habits.

Research & Development 科研項目

醫院管理局Asthma Signal with Hospital Authority

AESIR 支持公立醫院研究「Asthma Signals」提供哮喘治療、控制及護理的相關資訊,包括「影片」、「日記」、「遊戲」和「醫護答與問」。程式會根據病人/病者家人的呼吸記錄而發出哮喘控制提示,並儲存在程式的呼吸日誌,醫護便能清楚知道病人的哮喘控制情況。 In Support of #SmartHospital of Hong Kong Hospital Authority, AESIR designed and developed mobile application Asthma Signal to support Asthma Care Plan

Research Partner:醫院管理局

Research Outputs: Over 500 asthma patients been receiving timely asthma care and monitoring supporting through Asthma Signal with pediatrician support

#AR #App

醫院管理局VR Home Training with Hospital Authority

Metacognitive processes are part of self-regulated learning. This is where learner takes control of their own learning. The VR Home Training system measures player's metacognitive knowledge and skills in real time while solving problems that require the use of specific home based thinking skills.

Research Partner:醫院管理局

Research Outputs: Over 5 neurological occupational therapists working with 60 clients in rehabilitation and compensatory ways to help them lead as fulfilling and independent lives as possible.

#VR #Game

榮獲ICT AWARD 香港資訊及通訊科技獎 體感書寫訓練遊戲 - 「魔法文字大作戰」

ICT Award 2021 Awardee, AESIR joint hands with academics to co-develop a motion sensor game for chinese dyslexia. AESIR聯同大學教授,推出了一款名為「魔法文字大作戰」的體感書寫訓練遊戲,提供少數以廣東話為基礎,專門為患有香港讀寫障礙學童學習中文而設。榮獲2021 ICT AWARD 香港資訊及通訊科技獎

Research Partner: The Education University of Hong Kong, Ms Gladys Yuen(Occupational Therapist), Mr Dominic Chan(Physiotherapist)

Research Outputs: Over 60 rehab centers, clinics, special schools, primary schools and kindergarten participated with total 7,000 students benefit from the game

#Kinect #SEN

Chinese Learning Mobile App for Non-Chinese Groups with Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity

"Magic Chinese" is a mobile app developed for Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong to arouse their interests learning Chinese, which is a compulsory subject in Hong Kong. Through the App, we hope Students learn basic chinese words in Fun

Research Partner:The University of Hong Kong

Research Outputs:Over 40 kindergarten participated with total 6,000 students benefit from the game


IoT Wearables for Mental Wellbeing with Chinese University of Hong Kong

In Partnership with #CUHK the Nethersole School of Nursing of CUHK, we created an IoT Wearable based on Fitbit to help monitor patient with #EarlyPsychosis #schizophrenia to monitor their recovery process.

Research Partner:The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Outputs:Over 100 patients with schizophrenia been supported for mental well-being tracking

#IoT #Fitbit

提升學生語文能力訓練遊戲的研究 with EdUHK

劉鐸博士,副教授, 特殊教育與輔導學系, 香港教育大學進行一項探討通過電腦訓練遊戲提升學生語文能力的研究。學生的中文閱讀能力與他們的學業表現息息相關。希望透過是次研究,開發一個有效訓練閱讀能力的電腦遊戲,幫助一般學生提升閱讀水平。

Research Partner:The Education University of Hong Kong

Research outputs:Article on Read Writ (2023)

#EduHK #ComputerGame

Hong Kong VR Speech Center with EdUHK

運用 虛擬VR手機APP培養香港學生公開演講和言語訓練 Training Hong Kong Students on Public Speaking and Speech

Research Partner: Mr Gary Lam, Educational Psychologist

Research outputs: Over 100 Students with autism trialing the VR training

#VR #MobileApp

長者防跌三式遊戲 - Elderly Care Fall Prevention Game with NGO SilverMorph

Among elders aged 65 or above who had falls, 9.7% had fractures. Some elders would subsequently have reduced mobility and decline in self-care ability, some would require institutionalization afterwards. AESIR's Elderly Care Fall Prevention Game aims to use Sensor technology foster Elderly self-care habit with games that they enjoy.

Research Partner: VTC, Ms Galdys Yuen (Occupational Therapist), Mr Dominic Chan (Physiotherapist)

Research outputs: Over 9 elderly care center using the game for fall prevention training

#Sensor #Motion #Game #Elderly

Sleeping Quality Assessment Game with EdUHK


Research Partner: The Education University of Hong Kong

Research outputs: Over 8 Clinics using the sleep monitoring tool

#WebGame #Game #睡眠質量

從修身到齊家AR App


Research Partner: The Education University of Hong Kong

Research outputs: Over 20 kindergarten adopting the program


AR Training Play Series funded by 「社創流動」 SIE Fund, Hong Kong Government社創基金

Special Needs Gamification Research

AESIR, registered under HKCSS﹣HSBC Social Enterprise Directory, is Asia's Top 12 Social Enterprise and Global Top 500 Tech Startup. Since 2014, we been developing various gamification approach to assist Children with Special Educational Needs and Special Medical Needs.

Collaborated with Special Education Needs Professionals, University Researchers, Front-line Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Education Psychologists, Nurses, Social Workers and pediatricians, AESIR has been a strong advocate in Serious Game Research for better training and support for children with special needs.


Cyberport CCMF
PolyU Micro Fund 2015
Cyberport CCMF
PolyU Micro Fund 2015
2015滬港創意創業訓練營 - 最佳商業實踐獎 2015滬港創意創業訓練營 - 最佳商業實踐獎

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